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Packaging Artwork Automation vs Packaging Artwork Management: meaning, differences, benefits

Packaging Artwork Automation


Packaging artwork automation refers to the use of tools and processes to automate various tasks related to creating and managing packaging artwork. This might include things like automating the preflighting process, using automation scripts to perform repetitive tasks, or leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist with tasks such as colour matching.

Learn more about old and new ways of packaging design automation.


The main benefits of using packaging artwork automation include:

  1. Increased efficiency: Packaging artwork automation can help to streamline and optimise the process of creating and managing packaging artwork, reducing the time and effort required to complete the project.
  2. Improved accuracy and consistency: Packaging artwork automation often involves the use of software tools and systems that have built-in checks and alerts to ensure that tasks are completed correctly and that the project stays on track. This can help to improve the accuracy and consistency of the final packaging artwork.
  3. Enhanced communication and collaboration: Packaging artwork automation provides a centralised platform for sharing and tracking information, improving communication and collaboration within the team.
  4. Reduced risk of errors: By automating tasks such as scheduling and file management, packaging artwork automation can help to reduce the risk of errors and miscommunications.
  5. Increased scalability: Packaging artwork automation can help businesses to scale up their operations more easily, as it allows them to handle larger volumes of work without requiring additional resources.


All of this can include the use of software tools and systems to automate tasks such as scheduling, communication, file management, approval processes, or artwork design.

Solutions helpful in automating packaging artworks:

Packaging Artwork Management


Packaging artwork management refers to the process of creating, storing, and maintaining the visual designs and graphics used on packaging for products such as food, beverages, and consumer goods. This includes designing the packaging, creating mock-ups, coordinating with printers, and ensuring that the final product meets regulatory requirements and brand guidelines. It also involves the maintenance of the digital assets and files of the packaging design for future use.


Main benefits of packaging artwork management include:

  1. Improved project outcomes: By planning and coordinating the packaging artwork process, packaging artwork management helps to ensure that the project is completed successfully and meets the desired outcomes.
  2. Enhanced efficiency: Packaging artwork management can help to streamline the process of creating and managing packaging artwork, reducing the time and effort required to complete the project.
  3. Better communication and collaboration: Packaging artwork management involves the use of tools and techniques such as project planning software and project management methodologies to coordinate and control the project. This can help to improve communication and collaboration within the team.
  4. Enhanced visibility: Packaging artwork management provides a clear view of the status of the project at any given time, allowing team members and stakeholders to stay informed about the project's progress.
  5. Risk management: Packaging artwork management helps to identify and mitigate potential risks to the project, reducing the likelihood of project delays or failures.


Top packaging artwork management software tools and systems:

Packaging Artwork Automation vs Packaging Artwork Management: main differences

In summary, packaging artwork automation and packaging artwork management complement each other throughout the design process.

Artwork automation focuses on using technology and automation to streamline and improve the efficiency of specific tasks related to packaging artwork, while artwork management encompasses the broader processes and systems used to manage packaging artwork throughout its lifecycle.

Some of the key differences between them include:

1. Scope: Packaging artwork automation focuses on using technology to optimise specific tasks within the packaging artwork process, while packaging artwork management encompasses the entire process of planning and executing packaging artwork projects.

2. Objectives: The main objective of packaging artwork automation is to streamline and optimise the process of creating and managing packaging artwork, while the main objective of packaging artwork management is to ensure that the project is completed successfully and meets the desired outcomes.

3. Tools and techniques: Packaging artwork automation typically involves the use of software tools and systems to automate specific tasks, while packaging artwork management involves the use of a variety of tools and techniques, such as project planning software and project management methodologies, to coordinate and control the packaging artwork process.

Overall, both packaging artwork automation and packaging artwork management are important elements of the packaging artwork process. They work together to ensure that packaging artwork projects are completed efficiently and effectively. Packaging artwork automation can help to streamline and optimise the process, while packaging artwork management helps to ensure that the project stays on track and meets the desired outcomes.

MYPACKBRAIN 4-in-1 packaging artwork editor includes all the necessary solutions to automate and manage your packaging artwork design, workflow, content, and assets. Learn more, or contact our experts to get personalised suggestions or a demo.